
Without anesthesia or incisions, Morpheus8 can improve cosmetic skin issues all over the body.

Youth Knows No Boundaries


What is Morpheus8?

Everyone wants to feel and look their best, especially as age catches up with us. Morpheus8 is a radiofrequency microneedling treatment that can give your skin a smoother, sleeker appearance without having to undergo laser or surgical procedures. Using the radiofrequency technology, it stimulates the production of collagen in the underlying layers of the dermis (the middle layer of your skin).

Without anesthesia or incisions, Morpheus8 can improve cosmetic skin issues all over the body, including:

  • Creases that form from the sides of your nose to your mouth
  • Sagging skin below your chin
  • Wrinkles and lines
  • Aging in the neck
  • Acne scars
  • Bags under the eyes

How Does Morpheus8 Work?

The Morpheus8 is a handheld device with tiny, coated needles that gently penetrate your skin. The needles deliver radiofrequency energy that heats the tissue to stimulate the production of collagen. This adds volume which smooths wrinkles, lines, and other cosmetic issues on both men and women.

Prior to treatment, a numbing cream may be applied to your skin to eliminate discomfort.

Am I a Candidate for Morpheus8?

To be a candidate for Morpheus8, you must be healthy, not smoke, only have mild aging signs, and no significant medical conditions. If you have more severe signs of aging, you may benefit more from surgical cosmetic treatments that produce more drastic changes than Morpheus8.

To determine if Morpheus8 is right for you, schedule a consultation with one of our specialists at REDEEM. During your consultation, we will review your medical history and talk with you to understand your concerns. Then we’ll work with you to determine if this is the best treatment to address your needs.



Sometimes, Morpheus8 results can be seen immediately after the procedure, though it may take around three to four weeks to see the full Morpheus8 results. After a few treatments, you’ll be able to appreciate smoother, firmer, and healthier skin. Check out our before and after gallery to see some amazing results!

Morpheus8 FAQs

Everyone has a different pain tolerance. We numb the targeted area to minimize any potential discomfort during the procedure. For many, they tolerate it just fine. With the pain management protocols we have in place, the treatment is not painful; you may just find it grating.

Morpheus8 uses the latest industry-leading technology to provide radiofrequency (heat), while traditional microneedling does not. It also targets much deeper into the tissue to help tighten and rejuvenate the skin. The Morpheus8 is considered an even safer way than previous methods and allows for more effective results.

Common side effects include redness and swelling in the treated area, which usually goes away after a few days.

Please contact us for more information on pricing and payment plans.